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Hop, Skip & Jump for Healthy Bones! Or Swim or Do Yoga.

Jump. Hop. Skip. Swim. Resistance exercise. Yoga. These are just a few of the options available to women with osteoporosis. What is best? That depends on a few factors that Hollstrom & Associates Inc helps its Largo chiropractic patients with osteoporosis figure out. And why exercise? Physical exercise helps damaged cartilage tissue recover in the presence of osteoporosis. (1) Hollstrom & Associates Inc cares for osteoporosis and its related spine pain issues and back pain conditions, and gives some control of osteoporosis back to its female Largo osteoporotic patients, right where it should be.

The general rule about exercise is for everyone to exercise and keep physically active in order to build as much bone mass as possible as well as keep that level of bone mass as high as possible to prevent bone loss as we age. But who is at most risk of bone loss? Girls and women. So what exercise or activity level would be most appropriate for Largo ladies of all ages to do? That depends, and their bone mass depends on their exercise.

What’s appropriate for the older woman with osteoporosis? Weight bearing exercise may not be comfortable or possible. Yoga may do the trick though. A 12-minute session every day reportedly reverses osteoporotic bone loss. (2) That’s appealing! Swimming is another good non-weight-bearing exercise shown to improve bone mass, strength and bone structure in osteoporotic patients who don’t do well with weight-bearing exercises.  (3) Again, do what you can do considering your age and ability. Hollstrom & Associates Inc knows it will help!

What’s best for pre- and post-menopausal women to build and protect bone mass and prevent its loss? Combined exercise – impact and resistance training – is the best choice to preserve and improve bone mineral density in pre- and post-menopausal women.  And whole body vibration, a much talked about approach lately, is of no benefit for postmenopausal or elderly women(4) Another article just came out about vibration, too, stating that vibration actually may damage the disc and bring on low back pain. (5) Hollstrom & Associates Inc will encourage Largo chiropractic female patients to move as appropriate for their age and keep their daughters and mothers and grandmothers moving, too!

What about the younger girls, the daughters? Remember that osteoporosis is not a disease of older women. Its start is in youth when bone mass is being built. Young girls just need to be active and have fun. They can enjoy exercise to boost their peak bone mass with plyometrics. What is that?! It’s the high-impact jumps and hops and playing they do in gym class. (4) Hollstrom & Associates Inc encourages all our Largo families to exercise together. Have fun. Enjoy the outdoors and exercise together!

Lifelong activity that is appropriate for the age is best for women with osteoporosis. Contact Hollstrom & Associates Inc about just what is appropriate for you in your current stage of life. Hollstrom & Associates Inc is by your side as your Largo chiropractic healthcare advisor for all the phases of life you enjoy!

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"This information and website content is not intended to diagnose, guarantee results, or recommend specific treatment or activity. It is designed to educate and inform only. Please consult your physician for a thorough examination leading to a diagnosis and well-planned treatment strategy. See more details on the DISCLAIMER page. Content is reviewed by Dr. James M. Cox I."